Cyber Resilience Act

Cyber Resilience Act: the digital future of the EU

Under the Cyber ​​Resilience Act, producers would be required to take measures to ensure that their products are resistant to cyber-attacks.
personal data breach

All about the risk of personal data breach

A data breach occurs when a company is responsible for people’s personal data and suffers a security problem resulting in a violation in terms of confidentiality, availability or integrity.

Cyber risks and how to manage them

Cyber risk refers to any risk of financial loss, work interruption or reputational damage resulting from accidental or malicious IT threats
Ethical hackers

Who are the Ethical hackers and what do they do?

An Ethical hacker is a cybersecurity expert capable of simulating cyber attacks on networks, IT infrastructures, websites or apps to identify and resolve vulnerabilities and to improve security
The difference between Cyber Resilience and Cyber Security

The difference between Cyber Resilience and Cyber Security

Investing in cyber resilience and cyber security is key to remain safe and steady. Although both terms refer to IT security, cyber security is the set of technologies and actions to mitigate risks, while cyber resilience is the organization's ability to react to threats and attacks.

What is Cyber Security and how does it work?

The increasing cyber risks and cyber attacks are making cybersecurity a fundamental activity for companies of any industry.
zero-day vulnerability

What is a zero-day vulnerability?

Zero-day vulnerabilities are dangerous because they can be exploited before the vendor is aware of them. This gives attackers a window of opportunity to do what they want before the vulnerability is patched.
credit card phishing

What is spear phishing and why is different from common phishing?

Spear phishing is a dangerous kind of cyber crime that differs from classic phishing, as it aims to attack specific target personal data and information instead of attempting to “fish” a bunch of casual people’s data. Furthermore, to make it possible, cyber criminals mastering spear phishing attacks know how to use finest technologies to create proper communications which appear to look reliable and related to realistic issues of the target victim. Discover what are the main types of spear phishing attacks to be aware of, how to detect and fight it especially within businesses.

Corporate cyber security: how to defend against insider threats

External threats, such as Ransomware, aren't the only ones that companies need to prevent. Internal threats are equally dangerous.
information security

How important is information security for your business?

aking appropriate measures to protect data from privacy breaches and other security threats is critical to business survival. That’s why information security is so important.